Monday, December 26, 2011

Menswear Mondays-Key Trends for 2012

The sales have started which means it is now a mad rush to stock up on enough basics to last you until next year.....wrong!

Whilst shopping in the sales is a good thing, you have to be careful that what you buy will fit in with the key trends of next year. There is nothing worse than stockpiling enough t-shirts to last you a lifetime when actually all you end up wearing is the one that fits in with next season's 'Navajo' trend. A good thing to do would be to research what will be the key trends for next season and try and find garments that will fit in with this style.

Saying this, I am guessing not many guys are keen to sit trawling through endless style websites to find out what the key trends of 2012 will be. This is why, using my knowledge gained from the New Look Press Day I attended earlier this month, I have compiled together mood boards which easily break down the key looks for next year.

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1 comment

  1. when i look at clothes like these i almost wish i was a guy haha great post!




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